Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ode to the full bastard.

Have you ever noticed how much people change for the three days leading up to the full moon? Normal seeming, kindly folk, who turn into frothy and foamy mouthed pyschopaths once a month?!?!

Case in point, I've worked retail/customer service for the last 18 years. I have constantly randomized days off, persistent schedule changes, and work in stores that are open from 10 to 8 each day. Any ideas how many more complaints we recieve during the full moon........ It's an order of magnitude more. More snippy customers. More insane requests. More raving lunatics..... Lunatic, from Luna, meaning moon.....yup....the ancients knew all about the moon and her insidious impact on the weak minded of our race...... Cops know what I mean. 911 calls always increase around a full moon......what are we? Like 98% water?.....Salty water.....Full moons always create the biggest tides on the coasts....wonder what people's brains look like during a full moon? it all squished up against the top of the skull? the extra pressure the culprit?.....Whatever the case may be.......Full Moons suck when you're working retail......and it just so happens I've been working for the last three days. Bleck!

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